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After analyzing the three states, there a lot of conclusions that can be made. First of all, these states have a division of power. There are different organs, responsible for ruling over different matters. Philippines, on one side, is a more liberal State on its formation; its constitution contains a bill of rights, belonging those to some universal principles, such as but not limited to, habeas corpus and due process. On the other hand, North Korea has division of power as well, being the Supreme People´s Assembly the legislative power, the Presidium, responsible for regulating the power and duties of the SPA, and administering Justice at a National level. People in North Korea do have rights and liberties, for example, work, education and health are granted rights, there is freedom of speech and religion, there are elections, and some others, but what makes a difference between this and the other states is that the basis of the exercise of these rights is collective, not individual and this can be a limitation.
The advantages of the socialist system in North Korea is that in theory, there should not be differences between people, but most importantly, there is a spirit of modernism and transformation thru the state, that´s an interesting view and an advantage: the people, collectively will build the country, and take it to a perfect place for everyone thru science and education, which is free from kindergarten to university. But the main disadvantage is that this model is not compatible with the rest of the world and it drives the nation to isolation, because they base their model in cultural principles which are not negotiable, such as Chongsanri spirit, which in short words is a model of inspiring people to work for the nation´s sake, not for a material compensation, which in western societies might be taken as deeply unfair.
On the other hand, Japan´s model is certainly a western-like constitutional model and similar to the Philippines, being some of the advantages that Japan grants free education to all its citizens, something that does not happen in Philippines, as their bill of rights focuses on individual freedoms and those rights which regulate the relationship between the state and the individuals, for example, the right to a speedy trial or not to incriminate oneself. Japan declares peace is one of their fundamental principles and that is the reason why Japan resigned to war or to use force to solve any further conflict. This is an advantage, because for a country, resigning to war means to dedicate in other efforts for the good of their citizens.
Type of Government...
Each country has both similarities and differences. The second ones are more related with the names of the organisms which intervene in the government process, but the main duties are quite the same. Constitutionally speaking, North Korea is not a dictatorship taking into account that everything in the country belongs to its citizens, and that people can be elected as early as 17 years old to any position in the government. But the leader represents the foundation of the country, hence the nation, and the leader are somewhat blended, and this is the reason why this position is actually inherited, so this is certainly a dictatorship in the practice, although their Constitution says that everything belongs to everyone and that the real power are the people.
Japan is a constitutional monarchy. The Emperor represents the unity of the people, in short words, he rules only on behalf of the people, and that is actually the source of his power: people, not a divine rule as it was in the past, when he used to be the son of the sun or some kind of semi god. He has the authority to sign regulations and decrees, for example, but there is a Prime Minister, head of the executive branch, who is the head of the government, and there is also a Supreme Court and a Diet, which has the duties of a congress, composed by two houses.
As of the Philippines, it is a democracy, a republican form of state with its power divided in three branches, in which the head of the state is the President and the judiciary is under the control of the Supreme Court and the legislative branch is in charge of the Congress and Senate.
To what extent can the people participate in the governing process of each country?
The participation in politics is equally granted in each one of these states; in North Korea, people can be elected to local or national Assembly, that is a constitutional right, similarly as it happens in the Philippines and Japan, where the right to suffrage is granted in the Constitution. This certainly, can be undermined by different local factors, such as corruption, lack of political parties or difficulties to access to the government or influence in decisions taken.
had to write so much but hope this helped ;(