When a small populations' gene frequencies are changed drastically by chance alone it is called a genetic drift
One example is the country of Iceland which is a large island right on the mid-Atlantic ridge which is where the Atlantic oceanic plate is rifted in two and where the underlying magma wells up to the surface as the two sides to the plate move opposite to each other. The resulting volcanic rock then builds itself up into an island.
Maltose is a disaccharide sugar made up of two units of glucose.
In cyclic structure, the glucose exists in two anomeric forms; alpha and beta.
These glucose units can either joined by α (1→4) glycosidic bond or by β (1→4) glycosidic bond.
Thus, the maltose exists in two anomeric form alpha and beta.
Carbon cycle may be defined as a type of biogeochemical cycle that regulates the amount of carbon in nature. The carbon is released by the living animals and utilized by the plants in form of carbon dioxide.
Photosynthesis consumes the carbon dioxide to make carbohydrates where as cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide and breakdown the carbohydrate. Both these process helps in recycling of the carbon in nature and maintains the level of carbon in nature.