World War II the chief Allied powers were Great Britain, France
Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party, (December 16, 1773), incident in which 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company were thrown from ships into Boston Harbor by American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians. The merchants of Boston circumvented the act by continuing to receive tea smuggled in by Dutch traders.
Answer: your answer is C.
Explanation: insulting or villainizing someone is cruel and making it hard for them to vote would be hard in itself. You must respect they’re opinions, and they will respect yours.
The development of the Napoleonic Code was a fundamental change in the nature of the civil law system, making laws clearer and more accessible. It also superseded the former conflict between royal legislative power and, particularly in the final years before the Revolution, protests by judges representing views and privileges of the social classes to which they belonged. Such conflict led the Revolutionaries to take a negative view of judges making law.
During the 19th century, the Napoleonic Code was voluntarily adopted in a number of European and Latin American countries, either in the form of simple translation or with considerable modifications.
During<em> World War II</em>, The Allies decided to invade Germany as a part of the definite strategy to end the war.
They planed <em>Offensive Operations</em> to capture the east and west bank of the Rhine River. Among those operations were Operation Granade, Veritable, Undertone and Lumberjack, between February and March of 1945.
Allied troops crossed the Rhine River and entered through <em>Austria.</em> In the Eastern front, Russian troops defeated the Germans and liberated Poland.
<em>General Dwight D. Eisenhower</em> was the commander of the Allied troops in Northern and Central Europe.