Democracy is a type of political system that requires a popular vote (representative election) to take place to elect the leader of the country and other officials. Simply put, the leaders are chosen by the people.
Many of the most successful countries in the world, including the US, operate under a democratic form of government. While democracy is noted as one of the most efficient government systems ever, it is, however, not without any downsides. Let us take a look at its advantages and disadvantages.
The Grand Canal was a technology and public project under Yangdi that helped unite China, but it should be noted that there were other things as well.
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If members of Congress were truly delegates for their area then each would have continuous contact with their district. For Senators this would be more difficult as there are only 2 per state and for larger states this would require communicating with millions of people across many miles of land to have face-to-face contact. House Representatives are based on the population of a state and therefore House districts are smaller and easier to manage. Currently they best represent the idea of a delegate to the federal government as they are more able to communicate with their district. With advancements in technology the communication piece is now easier to accomplish. However, as delegates they should also offer more voting on issues they will be voting on in Congress. These votes or polling would truly give the representative a delegate role, if they listen and vote based on majority polling.