D None of the above
Social class:
It is a class where a group of people lives in a society with no difference between the social-economic status of people. It can be described as where a group of people shared their SES and this group has been used in research and censused of a country. The word class has come in the 19th century before this word-class there was a present word like rank, order that categorizes the social status of a group of people.
Carl Marx, Max Weber, these were the sociologist who worked on the society. There is such type of class status:
Mary-obeying laws
Beth- staying informed
Leonardo- respecting other’s opinions
In the movie, Tim says that genetic mutations are permanent changes to DNA or RNA. What does this mean? The changes can't be undone. ... Which of the following is an example of a beneficial mutation? When an organism develops immunity to a disease.
1. It provides indian brave soilders to other countries in need.