The water gets inside the cell and it looks like its going to burst...the weight will be heavier
Echinoderms, they are among the most common invertebrate animals in the marine environment of virtually any part of the world, among them we can find species such as sea cucumber , salmon and cod fish, they have chamois cloth like outer layer, then we have the Crinoids, another example of marine species with feather, popularly they are called sea lilies and feathery stars, they have a solid calcite skeleton; they were so abundant in the paleozoic seas that their remains formed large limestone thicknesses.
Physical change as no new substance is created
Histone deacetylase is responsible for removing the acetyl group from the histone 3 lysine 9 residue. Remember that deacetylation is one step in converting euchromatin to heterochromatin. Because euchromatin is transcriptionally active (transcriptional machinery is able to reach gene of interest), and blocking histone deacetylase activity would result in an the DNA remaining as euchromatin, we would expect to see an increase in transcriptional activity.
So there’s your answer: An increase in transcriptional activity.