Abigail characterizes Elizabeth Proctor to reverend Parris and John Proctor by saying that "Oh I marvel how such a strong man may let such a sickly wife be-" "She hates me uncle she must", where she is treated like a slave, bitter woman.
Religious ceremonies are frequently overseen by an ordained clergyman. These can include christenings, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Some ministers only have a limited variety of ceremonies they are "licensed" to execute, such as weddings.
When there is only one priest, he serves as both the pastor and the head of the church. The pastor is the title given to the senior priest in a large church with numerous priests. The word "reverend" is used to refer to a member of the clergy and is not a title that denotes authority in the church hierarchy.
Learn more about reverend here
Respuesta: Debemos eligir de forma responsable nuestro gobierno escolar porque serán las autoridades que verán por los intereses de la institución educativa y sus estudiantes, por lo que deben ser fieles a los valores y principios que profese dicha institución.
<em>The Declaration of Independence establishes the values of the United States of America. It says that "all men are created equal" and have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Further, it states the purpose of government is to protect these values.</em>
One big source for Jefferson was John Locke. Locke’s Second Treatise of Government built upon mutual respect for property rights. All free men own property and therefore deserve some rights. The more property, the more rights. Locke like Jefferson believed that kings only earned respect for their rights when they respected the rights and privileges of their subjects.
Jefferson, of course, took this further. He, Franklin, and some other founding fathers essentially ran in radical English circles. Therefore some rights were so important that they do not accrue according to property ownership. Hence, all men were created equal in some respects; even though major property holders were more equal. All men deserved the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Of course, Jefferson understood that large landholders exercised the rights of gentry to guide their poorer neighbors.
Lowcountry planters resisted giving the Upcountry more equal representation in the legislature because they feared that the Upcountry farmers did not support slavery.
In most cases, the engineered works will have a series of dams and locks that create reservoirs of low speed current flow. These reservoirs are referred to as slack water levels, often just called levels.