Oil change the shape of the distribution of the time required to get an oil change at a 10-minute oil-change facility is unknown
. however, records indicate that the mean time for an oil change is 11.4 minutes, and the standard deviation for oil-change time is 3.2 minutes. (a to compute probabilities regarding the sample mean using the normal model, what size sample would be required?
(b what is the probability that a random sample of n = 40 oil changes results in a sample mean time of less than
10 minutes?
(c suppose the manager agrees to pay each employee a $50 bonus if they meet a certain goal. on a typical saturday, the oil-change facility will perform 40 oil changes between 10
a.m. and 12 p.m. treating this as a random sample, what mean oil-change time would there be a 10% chance of being at or below? this will be the goal established by the manager.