1. Mountain Tourism is a type of "tourism activity which takes place in a defined and limited geographical space such as hills or mountains with distinctive characteristics and attributes that are inherent to a specific landscape, topography, climate, biodiversity (flora and fauna) and local community.
Inland trips means trips to the part of the country away from the coast, without specifying who is taking those trips. Such trips may let the world know about your country, or they may not.
Foreign trips. on the other hand, is fatally ambiguous. It can mean, and has been taken by others here to mean, trips by foreigners to your country, which would be what is asked for. But technically, a foreign trip is just a trip to a foreign country and the trip-takers should be presumed to be your fellow-countrymen; if they travel abroad, that would give them information about the world, not the other way about.
So the choice is between a bad answer and a very bad answer. I would say inland is less bad, but if the examiner thinks one choice is correct, you need to know how he thinks, not how the English language works.
I hope some of that may help I found it off the web.. sorry if it dosent
Managers exercise legitimate and coercive power. Their power is legitimate since it is lawful owing to the job position and their tasks and duties. It is coercive since it induces the subordinates to perform their tasks in a certain way and at times subject them to performance pressure so as they work efficiently.
Experts and referent represent personal or individual power possessed by an individual, independent of the job position he/she occupies. These may arise more out of an individual's own knowledge and information one possesses or on account of personal traits and do not represent a power which has been delegated.
Such powers may collide when an individual is promoted and when required to manage those, who were earlier his/her colleagues.
<em>Options Include:</em>
A. $20,000
B. $16,800
C. $18,200
<em>D. $21,800 is Correct</em>
Interest income for a bond provided at a discount is equal to the total of both the periodic cash flows as well as the value of the amortized bond discount during the interest duration.
Periodic cash flows are equivalent to $20,000 ($500,000 death benefit multiply by 8 percent coupon rate multiply 1/2 year). The amortization for the discount is provided as $1,800.
<em>Income for the six-month period from July 1 to December 31, Year 4, is therefore $21,800 ($20,000 + $1,800).</em>
I don't know the first one but will do the rest I know.
2. The digestive system is responsible for taking the whole foods and turning them into energy and nutrients to allow the body function, grow and repair it self.
3. the secretary system in humans consist mainly of the kidney and bladder. the kidney is involved.
4. dissection is the act of dismembering of the body of a deceased animal or plant to study it's anatomical structure. and it is important in science cause it allows student see, touch, and explore the various organs.
5. blood cell. their main job or major job is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and carbon dioxide as a waste product. and they are important because they transport oxygen to the body's tissue on exchange for carbon dioxide.
I don't know the last one maybe someone else can answer.
A. The current selling price for the product is too low.
The ideal market price should be $400. This is the equilibrium point where demand matches supply. At the price of $400, buyers and suppliers will be happy to trade a quantity of 4000 units.
The prevailing price of $300 is too low. Suppliers should raise the price to the price $400 mark.