Capital Expenditure during the year 40,706
opening assets = 218470
less: Depriciation for the year = (42822)
less: Disposal of assets = (6943)
less: Closin Assets = (209411)
Balancing figure additions = 40706
Based on the scenario above, the economic concept which Frakie is faced with is OPPORTUNITY COST. Opportunity cost refers to a benefit or value that a person could have received but which he gave up in order to take another course of action. Thus, an opportunity cost represents an alternative given up when a decision is made.
1. Illegal and unreported economic activity: While goods such as illegal drugs, gambling, and prostitution are sold in markets, the transactions are hidden for obvious reasons.
2. Home production and bartered goods/services: If cash doesn't change hands, the transaction will not be included in GDP. One of the somewhat misleading aspects of GDP is that whether certain things are included depends not on the nature of the good or service, but whether it was (openly) exchanged for cash.
a. I Disagree with Faith's method of handling this situation because she has not followed the internal control principle of safeguarding of assets. Stealing is a serious issue. An employee who can justify taking a box of tea bags can probably justify “borrowing” cash from the cash register.
b. I Agree with Faith's method of handling this situation because Faith has followed the internal control principle of assignment of responsibility by making one employee responsible for the cash drawer and followed the internal control principle of segregation of duties (preparing the orders) from the accounting (taking orders and payments).
c. I disagree with Faith's method of handling this situation because Faith has not followed the internal control principle of segregation of duties. It is true that faith has made one employee responsible however after cash counting another employee or Faith himself remove the cash register tape and compare the balance with cash drawer for effective internal control. Also, Faith’s standard of no mistakes may encourage the cashiers to overcharge a few customers in order to cover any possible shortages in the cash drawer.
Answer: The free enterprise system was certainly necessary for Mary Kay Ash to make an impact on the business world.
Explanation: This is because having no restrictions from the government, Mary Kay could set the price of her products, making them competitive in the market. By selling directly to end consumers, she skipped intermediaries, therefore cut costs and had a great impact on the business world. Another strategy she used is "try before buying", which became a plus for her products, having satisfied costumers become captive consumers, always coming back for more. The Free Enterprise System was absolutely helpful for Mary Kay Cosmetics to have pressence in the world for 56 years now.