It's Odysseus and not Ulysses if this is Greek mythology (hence Zeus). That Greek God is Hermes, or Mercury if in Roman mythology (hence ulysses). Use Mercury or Hermes depending if it's Roman or Greek mythology. Determine which one is which as your question mixes the mythologies up.
Montesquieu most likely influenced this quote. Montesquieu believed in the separation of powers, meaning the branches of government would be independent of one another and have individual responsibilities. His ideas influenced this quote from Madison by stating that if all governmental branches were not separate, they would cause conflict and there would be an extreme imbalance of power, which would explain Madison’s monicker of “tyranny”.
William McKinley was the 25th president
Falling prices. Farmers were in dire economic straits because prices for agricultural products such as cotton and wheat had significantly dropped, while consumer prices for goods and services continued to rise. Debt and foreclosure. Working conditions were terible there wasnt no safety and child laboring was occurring.