Answer: Jim left the computer unattended while shopping for supplies to be used at the next crime scene.
Explanation: While transporting the evidence to a secure location (lab), he left the computer unattended in his car and goes shopping for supplies that will be used in his next crime scenes. This act will give the criminals or their accomplice the opportunity to break into his car and tamper with what ever evidence he might have left behind in his car.
The following code is a Python function that takes in the amount of change. Then it uses division and the modulo operator to calculate the number of coins that make up the changes, using the greatest coin values first.
import math
def amountOfCoins(change):
print("Change: " + str(change))
quarters = math.floor(change / 0.25)
change = change % 0.25
dimes = math.floor(change / 0.20)
change = change % 0.20
pennies = math.floor(change / 0.01)
print("Quarters: " + str(quarters) + "\nDimes: " + str(dimes) + "\nPennies: " + str(pennies))
Alenware hp dell logtech, and i know others
def group_by_nondecreasing( *args ) :
num_list = [arg for arg in args]
sorted_numlist = sorted( num_list )
list_stream = [ sorted_numlist, sorted_numlist, sorted_numlist ]
return list_stream
This python function has the ability to accept multiple and varying amount of arguments. the list comprehension shorten the logical for statement to generate a list of numbers, sorts the list in ascending order by default and duplicates the list in another list.