Excommunication to the Hagia Sohpia
The threat of excommunication used by the Pope to hold his power over the Eastern Church. The Pope delivers a Bull of Excommunication to the Hagia Sophia because of its religious practices. The Western Church used Images of crucifixes, Mary, and saints where the Eastern Church forbid image. The opposition in the churches led to excommunicated between Eastern patriarch and Pope Leo IX.
Abolitionism is one of the many factors that lead to conflict between northern and southern states. This movement focused on getting rid of the institution of slavery. By emancipating (freeing) these slaves, Southern plantation owners would suffer a significant loss in profits, as slaves were not paid for their work.
This threat to Southern society caused them to rebel against this idea and any individual who supported it. This fear of freeing slaves ultimately lead in the secession of the Southern states, as the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 posed a serious threat to their way of life.
The drives for independence in Mexico and Brazil were different because there was a violent revolution while Brazil's revolution was bloodless.
Mark,john and noah those are three testments
the destruction of French towns and farms
The 100 years' War was fought between the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of England, however, it was fought entirely on French Soil, including English-controlled French areas.
These made the English particularly harsh in their treatment of the French peasantry, and in their war tactics. They used a scorched-earth tactic, in which they destroyed farms, towns, and depleted resources. They did so to prevent the French Army from obtaining much needed supplies.