When the Second World War ended, France was decimated. ... But an enormous vacuum had been left in the free world by the end of World War II, and the Soviet Union was determined to move into that vacuum. Now, that was the basis of the Marshall plan when we were thinking about reviving Europe.
They got expelled from his home in Sighet since he was a Jewish foreigner he eventually comes back to warn the townspeople what is coming
Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The O.S.H.A is an abbreviation representing the words," Occupational Safety and Health Administration. O.S.H.A is a government agency in the United States which is responsible for maintaining standards of health and safety in workplaces. The O.S.H.A is responsible for controlling the hazards which occur at construction sites, construction industries or while construction. The hazards which are regulated by the O.S.H.A are Falls (from heights), Trench collapse,Scaffold collapse, Electric shock and arc flash/arc blast, Failure to use proper personal protective equipment; and Repetitive motion injuries.
In respect to Oscar's request to find the keywords which will aid him in his research, the keywords are Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Peter Jackson's last film in the epic Lord of the rings trilogy, The return of the king, won all 11 Oscars it was nominated for at the 76th Academy Awards in Los Angeles. This set a record for the largest clean sweep and equalled the highest number of wins achieved by Ben Hur (1959) and Titanic
Dec. 3rd 2015.
That was 5 letters, am I right? Lol.