In the antebellum south, slaves did free labor. Slaves were considered property, and they were property because they were black. Their status as property was enforced by violence -- actual or threatened. Besides planting and harvesting, there were numerous other types of labor required on plantations and farms. Enslaved people had to clear new land, dig ditches, cut and haul wood, slaughter livestock, and make repairs to buildings and tools. In many instances, they worked as mechanics, blacksmiths, drivers, carpenters, and in other skilled trades. Black women carried the additional burden of caring for their families by cooking and taking care of the children, as well as spinning, weaving, and sewing.
Some slaves worked as domestics, providing services for the master's or overseer's families. These people were designated as "house servants," and though their work appeared to be easier than that of the "field slaves," in some ways it was not. They were constantly under the scrutiny of their masters and mistresses, and could be called on for service at any time. They had far less privacy than those who worked the fields.
JP Morgan was known for reorganizing businesses to make them more profitable and stable and gaining control of them. He also helped in “reorganizing” the railroads!!
The problem with the county unit system was an public disagreement such as a disagreement which own the fact that gave the right to votes to countries that had smaller populations greater weight that other countries with populations.
Northern places like Canada were colonized by France. The mid part was at first colonized by the Dutch but then the colonies were taken by the British. The central American part, including South America and the Carribean was mostly controlled by the Spanish. Portugal had control of Brazil while Russians started slowly moving towards Alaska but couldn't establish colonies until the 18th century.