All he would need to do is go into the sheet and change the name again. This will change the HTML so the computer will not be confused. The name should make sense, but he completely different from the original name :)
It seems that you have missed the necessary options for us to answer this question so I had to look for it. Anyway, here is the answer. The protocol that supports the encryption and decryption of e-mail messages is this: <span>Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) and Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). Hope this helps.</span>
code = 010100000001101000101
The inequality yields , where M = 16. Therefore,
The second step will be to arrange the data bits and check the bits. This will be as follows:
Bit position number Check bits Data Bits
21 10101
20 10100
The bits are checked up to bit position 1
Thus, the code is 010100000001101000101
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