do u have tt?if you wanna talk there:D
Answer: D
The answer is D because the information following "message" is the message. A colon is appropriate (as used in D) when the information after the colon describes or represents the word or phrase that comes before the colon.
Biomes around the world, written by University of Chicago environmental scientists in 2018 for high school classes
This is the best option because the first option was written by a student on a blog and is therefore not as reliable as the second source.
The last two options do not talk directly about biomes, which is what the project is about, making them poor options as well.
The second source is reliable and pertains to the topic, making it the best choice.
The theme is that ethnocentric hurdles are a problem Americans faced not only in the past, but still face today. Clifton and Dondre are not allowed to participate in major events with their peers due to the ethnocentric hurdles placed in front of them. For Clifton, this was not being allowed to go to an amusement park on his school trip. For Dondre, this was not being allowed to play in a golf tournament at a golf club that did not allow African Americans. Dondre and Clifton bonded over their shared experiences, and they and their classmates and teammates will be eternally bonded in their efforts to overcome the struggle of inequities that still rear up as the hideous face of hatred and discrimination.
“Miguel's heart froze as he searched for ...