No sis I’m just kidding about the same shorts you can do you do today and you have no one cared for you I just got a text and saying that I was really confused and
Well i believe the answer would be d but i could be wrong
21 century:
Outline: The question is (how to change the 21 century)
- People/commuication
- Schools/ Jobs
- Obesity/ Self-esteem
Im not sure if you wanted me to write this but... I will write as much as I can.
The 21 century is something we yet frown and smile upon. Happiness, the cure to cancer, many things we don't know to exist. In the 21 century people Imagine flying cars and money, and mostly just... Success. My imagination always takes me to places that I dream of being true and this utopia of perfection and wealth is something that no one knows will even exist.
Hopes that we do have all of this amazing stuff we also need to think about the people in it. People on earth are slowly failing. Shown in many documents and charts that have been recorded over 1.2 million highschool students dropout of their school each year. Making sure that students have a good education and future is the only thing that adults want most. When someone says 'the good old days' it makes me feel like I should've had the opportunity to live in 'the good old days'.
Another thing that we want children or for just the well being of anyone living in the 21 century is to be able to communicate with the things the were givin. Not meaning technology. I understand that technology is a huge advancement for communication but it also tends to leave people silent and lazy. Netflix and chill is a cool name... But when thats all you do its kinda depressing and knowing that at this age you maynot live to the 21 century and not being able to control what happens is something that is hard to face.
Lastly we need to make sure that people in the 21 century have the ability to gain a good self-essteem, not too big and not too small. People now, may have a low self-essteem because their parents never gave them enough attention to where they feel like they are worthless.One of thte most important parts of someones childhood is the memories... and when they look back they don't wanna see you looking at your phone allday. They want to look back to their 10th birthday when you fell into the pool and broke your arm.. and when you went to fro-yo with YOUR child and their best friend and you got an allergic reaction to the sprinkles, and figured out that you have a penut allergy.
Making sure that the 21 century is something that is positive, is something that we need to think about now, because we need a leader who knows the difference between right and wrong, and the things that are needs instead of wants. All a person wants is to live theor best life and to have their children live their best life. Being able to think about the future is something that people take advantage of.. for example (again) flying cars. Do we need flying cars more that a cyre for cancer because the only thing that the flying cars are doing is polluting our air, and the only thing that technology is doing is pulling us from our already 'great' world and putting us into an animated one. Causing more people to get obese or just lazy and disrespectful, this is what we need to change about the 21 century and what we need to think of it.
C. Scary darkness
Gloom brings a sentiment of melancolia and darkness. Combined with frightening, we have a very unique description. We something must be shadowy and frightening to fit. We have darkness which can substitute gloom in one of its definitions, and scary which certainly substitutes frightening quite well.