The reason why <span>Truman believed that the United States is the country that must help Greece and Turkey is because the United States stood as a world beacon of democracy and freedom, and wanted to ensure that other nations followed suit. </span>
As the United States' industrial economy grew in the late 1800s, conflict between workers and factory owners became increasingly frequent and sometimes led to violence. The Homestead Strike occurred at the Carnegie Steel Company's Homestead Steel Works in 1892.In the late stages of the Industrial Revolution, workers began to organize into unions in order to fight for better and safer working conditions. The government also became involved. New regulations were imposed to shorten the work week and to make factories safer.
Diwali, Divali, Deepavali is the Hindu festival of lights, usually lasting five days and celebrated during the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika (between mid-October and mid-November). One of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, Diwali symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance".
Orator: is a person that demonstrates outstanding skill and power as a public speaker.
State's rights: is the belief that the country was founded by and for the states, and where each state keeps final power for itself.
Tariff: is a tax or duty on goods brought from a foreign nation
Nullification: is the act of canceling something, when one thing overcomes or overrides another, basically erasing the effects of the first thing
Great Debate: was between Senator Hayne of South Carolina and Senator Webster of Massachusetts on the topic of protectionist tariffs
Answer: The Constitution of the United States calls for it to be on the 20th. The 20th Amendment, Section One states, ‘The terms of president and vice president shall end at noon on the 20th of January.’