1. Daniel cree que tiene<u> un resfriado.</u>
2. A Daniel le duele la cabeza, estornuda, tose y <u>esta congestionado.</u>
3. El doctor le toma<u> la temperatura.</u>
4. A Daniel no le gustan <u>las visitas al doctor.</u>
5. El doctor dice que Daniel <u>tiene un resfriado.</u>
6. Después de la consulta Daniel <u>va a la farmacia.</u>
The common cold in most cases causes <em>runny nose or runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing. Also, you may have a sore throat, cough, headache or other symptoms.</em>
Colds are <u>the most common reason</u> why children miss school and parents miss work. Parents usually get colds from their children. They are usually acquired from other children. A cold can spread quickly in schools or kindergartens.
They can occur at any time of the year, but they are more common<em> in winter or in rainy seasons. </em>A cold virus spreads through tiny air droplets that are released when a sick person sneezes, coughs or blows their nose.