The Paris Peace Conference laid out the peace terms that followed after the war ended. The major winners of WWI were: France, Britain, The United States of America and Italy (and the USSR can be also counted as a winner) On the losing side were: Austria-Hungary, Germany and the Ottoman Empire.
This treaty (The Paris Peace Conference) had almost no German participation at all, and it established a REPARATION, the division of Ottoman and German territories, and new territorial boundaries. This treaty also resulted in The Treaty of Versailles.
The reparation Germany was supposed to pay, did not go as planned. Germany only paid a small amount of it and in 1931 reparations came to an end.
Regarding Middle Eastern nations, the following countries were created as nation states: Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon. Palestine was also stablished as a nation for jewish people and this nation was put under British control.
Germany was highly humiliated by all the upper mentioned reasons, including also the raising of German taxes. This humiliation can be considered as an indirect reason for the initiation of WWII.