Mr. Praed says he knows nothing of Mrs. Warren's profession, but his behavior indicates otherwise. However, he does not seem bothered by the fact that Mrs. Warren is a "working woman." He is nonjudgmental. As an architect, he is not of the upper class, but of the middle class.
Mr. Crofts, however, is directly involved in Mrs. Warren's profession by the fact that he owns brothels. His moral sensibility is much worse than Mr. Praed's as a result. He is a member of the upper class and feels very entitled to his wealth--also lowering his moral sensibility.
A geode is a round hollow rock lines with crystals.
The Kite Runner focuses nearly exclusively on male relationships. While the relationship between father and son is important to the novel, male friendship is central as well. Amir's relationship with Hassan is the most obvious example.
The author of "The Fun They Had" was Isaac Asimov. Asimov was an extremely prolific science fiction author. Over his lifetime, he wrote/edited over 500 books.
It should be recommend. It sounds better that way.