The Double-headed serpent is an Aztec sculpture. It is a snake with two heads composed of mostly turquoise pieces applied to a wooden base. It came from Aztec Mexico and might have been worn or displayed in religious ceremonies. The mosaic is made of pieces of turquoise, spiny oyster shell and conch shell. The sculpture is at the British Museum.
concontract negotiations
artistic technique
I don't really have an explanation, but as someone who does the other there this should be the answer, maybe computer coding? I code so...
I think amplitude? Im not sure, do you have choices?
The tambourine was used in the renaissance and is still used today.
It consisted of a rectagular wooden frame which today is round and the jingles are placed in regular intervals.
Proportion: certain objects are smaller than others to create depth; the objects are all relatively small and proportionate to each other. Composition: bolder colors seem to leap off the page, whereas lighter colors appears to fall back; almost all the objects are vertically (or almost vertically) placed so the eye travels up and down when looking at the piece; there is balance of shape and color. Answer will vary for the artist's message but should be backed by reason.