They fall from the clouds as ice crystals.
They form around particles in the atmosphere.
They form when water vapor is converted directly to ice crystals.
The zygosporangium of Rhizopus stolonifer function to
ensure the survival of the species by remaning dormat during unsuitable
conditions. I am hoping that this
answer has satisfied your query and it will be able to help you in your
endeavor, and if you would like, feel free to ask another question.
<span>Benedicts test is used for testing reducing sugar in urine and food samples. Biuret test is used for testing proteins in a sample. Sudar Red test is used to detect lipids in a sample. For starch The Lugol test is carried out. when Lugols iodine is added to sample to the powder it will turn deep bluish black color showing the sample contain starch. The other tests will not give positive results with starch powder.</span>
<em>global warming is caused by different gases ,, hence they are affecting the environment by increasing temperature ,, only science can solve such a big problem because during global warming all the reactions that take place are scientific..</em>