D most likely. As the moon revolves around Earth, the different amounts of the sunlit side faces Earth
We never really see the other sides of the moon, it's always facing one side to us.
Examples of Beneficial Mutation. Mutation, a change in the sequence of genes, is divided into various types such as beneficial, harmful, and neutral, based on their effects. ... Germ-line mutation occurs in the germ cells, and is inherited by the offspring via the reproduction cells.
The correct answer is: Binding of the neurotransmitter causes chemically gated sodium channels to open in the motor end plate (junctional folds of the sarcolemma) and sodium enters the cell.
Action potential travels through the membrane of the presynaptic cell causing the voltage-gated channels permeable to calcium ions to open. Ca2+ flow through the presynaptic membrane and increase the Ca concentration in the cell which will activate proteins attached to vesicles that contain a neurotransmitter (e.g. acetylcholine). Vesicles fuse with the membrane of the presynaptic cell, thereby release their contents into the synaptic cleft-space between the membranes of the pre- and postsynaptic cells. Neurotransmitter ACh binds to its receptors on the postsynaptic membrane and its binding causes depolarization of the target cell (muscle cell). Depolarization occurs because sodium enters the cell as a result of neurotransmitter receptor binding.
Chromosome condenses
Pairing up to form tetrad
Crossing over
Lining up on metaphase plate
Homologous chromosome separate
Condensation of chromosomes occurs in prophase I phase. Pairing up to form tetrad occur during prophase I. Crossing over occurs during prophase I of meiosis cell division. Chromosomes line up along the metaphase plate in the stage of Metaphase. Centromeres break down and homologous chromosomes separate in anaphase I phase of meiosis.
C. Enhancer
The enhancer is a regulatory DNA sequence that might be located thousands of nucleotide away from the transcription start site of a gene.