to create a sense of tension
When an artist uses symmetrical balance in a work, he is putting a tone and tension, of disharmony, discomfort and imbalance in the work presented. This is because the asymmetric balance imposes, in fact, an imbalance of the image. This is because the two sides of the image are different from each other and each element has a negative weight that cannot be found on the other side.
He spent 1883 on his first major painting - a huge canvas titled Bathers at Asnieres.
He shared a small studio on the Left Bank with two student friends before moving to a studio of his own. For the next two years he devoted himself to mastering the art of black and white drawing.
The oldest works of art that we will consider are the cave paintings found in Chauvet Cave in southeastern France. These paintings, discovered in 1994, date from c. 30,000 bce and thus are placed in the Old Stone Age (Upper Paleolithic Period)