Stilus or graphium, splinter of bone, ivory, iron, bronze, or other metal, with the pointed end at one end, adapted for writing on wax tablets. ...
For writing on papyrus or parchment, the Cálamus scriptorius, a sharp instrument made of reed cane and the feather of a bird, was used.
The arrangement of the key signatures in the Circle of Fifths is based on the number of sharps or flats in each key. Each key signature is separated by the distance of a fifth interval. There are 7 sharp keys and 7 flat keys. However, the top of the Circle, is our neutral key, meaning no sharps or flats: C Major.
Descenders are the parts of the letter the go below the imaginary line.
Like the letters qypgj
Hope this helps. c:
Percussion. The instruments used change for each song and the amount of people needed can also change.