See the components in explaination
In order to make it as IPv6, few key components should be supported, those components are given below:
The infrastructure must support the enhanced protocol StateLess Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC).
Static addressing with DHCPv6, dynamic addressing with DHCPv6 and SLAAC are the methods used to configure the IPv6. The network administrator should able to understand and implement the IPv6 through the DHCPv6.
Other than the implementation, working of IPv4 and IPv6 are same. Therefore, the administrator need not to learn new information for its working.
As the IPv6 address length is 128-bit and purpose is for everything on line to have an IP address. It must allow the internet to expand faster devices to get internet access quickly.
The DHCPv6 is not supported by all windows. Therefore, network administrator should check the corresponding Operating system (OS) would support the DHCPv6 for IPv6.
The network administrator must have good knowledge and skills on the IPv6.
The above mentioned key components should be verified by the network administrator in order to support for IPv6 project with DHCPv6.
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Validation: Understanding and showing acceptance for another person
Answer: El hackeo es el proceso de intrusión en los sistemas informáticos sin autorización para acceder a ellos, con buenos o malos propósitos, el cracking es la misma práctica aunque con intención delictiva.