Increase in money supply will result to result to lower interest rates. These will encourage individuals and business to avail of loans since interest rates are low. However, proper computation must be made in order to determine the level of increase in money supply. Unchecked increase in money supply may result to inflation.
Decrease in money supply will result to higher interest rates. Higher interest rates will encourage individuals or businesses to deposit their money in the banks because their deposits will earned high interests.
A) True
A good way to think about it is that industry, a general term for businesses engaging in productive practices, is concerned with the production of goods. These are the goods that are demanded by consumers. So as 'industry' is supplying those goods, it must be on the supply side of the market.
Answer: 4969 meters
Explanation: Here's what you do: 9,656 - 4,687 = 4969
It is more profitable to sell the units as-is.
Giving the following information:
Number of units= 12,600
Varto has two alternatives for these items:
(1) they can be sold to a wholesaler for $13 each
(2) they can be processed further for $272,300 and then sold for $34 each.
The first cost of $31 is a sunk cost, it will remain no matter which option is chosen. We will not take it into account for the decision making process.
Option 1:
Effect on income= 12,600*13= $163,800
Option 2:
Effect on income= 12,600*34 - 272,300= $156,100
It is more profitable to sell the units as-is.
I'm going to use common sense and say A.