A transverse section cut is a cross section took by slicing, really or through imaging techniques, the body or any part of the body structure, in a horizontal plane, a plane that crosses the longitudinal axis at a right angle. In other words, it divides the body into superior and inferior parts which is also known as the top and bottom parts.
<span>Error bars within treatments illustrate confidence intervals, standard errors, standard deviations or other quantities. However, different types of error bars exist, so figure legends must be sure to distinguish which error bar is being represented. </span>
Deductive reasoning.
Deductive reasoning is a type of reasoning where a general fact is broken down into a more specific case to make an inference. This general fact can be a broad branch of knowledge then gets into its parts that may comprise this broad knowledge.
<span>One type of organisms known as sponges have collar cells that trap food and ingest it by ___ or by the enzymes of lysosomes. The word that would best complete the sentence is "phagocytosis". This is also most commonly known as the food-eating that is the process of engulfing food. </span>