The significance of the Movie "The Jazz singer" was the * The Movie exposed the Public to Jazz.
The Byzantines sent wave after wave of christian missionaries to the Slavic lands, which sorrounded the Byzantine Empire.
Two of the most important missionaries were Saint Cyril and Saint Methodious. They were brothers, and converted many slavs to Orthodox Christianity, specially those living in Moravia. They also invented the cyrilic alphabet to give a script to the Slavic languages, and help spread christianity faster. Hence the name of the alphabet.
The Gelug sect of Buddhism is the newest sect of this religion/philosophy. It is the one that actually has established the Dalai Lama, which is the most important figure in this sect. The Dalai Lama is viewed as the incarnation Avalokitisvara, a Bodhisttava of Compassion. Also, the Dalai Lama is considered as the spiritual leader of the Gelug Buddhism and he is the highest religious authority, which over time even became a political authority. This sect of Buddhism has become dominant in Tibet and Mongolia.
People choose to live in a larger community during Neolithic age than in earlier times because they required and needed a huge number of people for gathering and hunting. They had an enduring shelter, so people decided to attach to a different group so the communities getting bigger and bigger. And aside from that, they could grow sufficient foods to support more people one of this practice is farming.
With new technological advancements there was no longer a need for as many workers and companies could now pay workers less due to the job being easier, in some countries such as England or the US this lead to revolts and rebellions, the likes of which paved the foundation of communism