No choice given but the development of nuclear weapons could be considered a negative consequence of the application of scientific knowledge for example when it was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing and wounding 100's of 1000's of people.
Maintenance of normal sinus rhythm
antidysrhytmic drugs are used to treat abnormal rhythm of the heart. Abnormal rhythm is usually due to the irregular electrical stimulation of the electrical activity of the heart. This can work by correcting the cardiac function there are four classes of this drugs such as Class I for sodium channels, Class II which are the beta blocker, Class III which are the drugs that prolong repolarization and Class IV which are the calcium channel blocker.
The different degrees of sleep and wakefulness through which newborns cycle, ranging from deep sleep to great agitation, are called states of arousal. These states are regular sleep, irregular sleep, drowsiness, quiet alertness and crying. About eight to nine hours each of an infant's day is dedicated to regular and irregular sleep. So, most of the time of the infant is spent in these states. These are the states where the brain of an infant is developing the important connections for growth and survival. Crying is the means for infants to communicate their needs. Different type of cries would represent different needs of the infant.