When investing you have the chance of losing any money you've made from the investment as well as the original amount you put down. When saving you are simply putting aside money and beginning to pile it up as you continue to save it.
once upon a time is the sentence which draws children in
I saw that my math homework wasn’t in my folder, so my dad made me go all the way back to school. On the way there, I dreaded asking my teacher. In my mind I attempted to make up what I was going to say ahead of time. After a while, I looked up and saw that I had arrived back at school, took a deep breath, and went inside.
Brainliest please!
A) used her pregnancy as a defense
The paragraph says, "being found quick with child, she was respited for about seven months" so apparently she was on trial for something, and was found to be pregnant. She was given seven months, and after giving birth she was put back on trial.