Amelia Earhart was 39 when she disappeared.
The Age of Reason and Enlightenment started off in the eighteenth century. This period has its root in France, thus giving it an alternate name of French Enlightenment. Even though this Age is said to have been started in the 1700s, the causes behind it started as long as two to three centuries before it. The dictatorship of the Church was the key reason behind the rebellion of the people.
Thats just an opinión though.
Alien Act
If the crossword has 8 spaces (or 8 letters that can be put) and 2 words, try alien act. It matches the description and it fits 8 letters and two words.
It's B. The Columbian Exchange is just that, the exchange of goods, plants, people, etc. between Europe and the Americas
The failing communist governments entrenched the idea that democracy was superior form of government. It established the United States as a global superpower both in governmental structure and military force. The failing governments also meant that Eastern Europe was much less financially stable than the rest of the world and would have to make peace with and rely on western countries to pull themselves out of debt.