Both the British and Chinese believed that their nation was superior with the other and that they should be treated with respect as evidenced by the British demands for trade with the Chinese and the unfavorable depiction of the Chinese in the British cartoon and the Qing Emperor’s description of his empire in comparison to the British.
There are all kinds of stories of hostilities between early American colonists and the Native people who were already there. However, these hostilities did not occur with every European group who came. The French are a notable exception to this, and in fact, enjoyed excellent relations with the Natives almost from the very beginning.
Why were the French different? The main reason is that they did not try to change the Natives. They also did not compete with the Natives for land. When the French first came to the Americas in the 1530s and 1540s to engage in seasonal fur trading, they immediately established strong trading ties with the local Natives they found there. The Natives already dealt extensively in furs.
➡️The Habsburg Period in Spain is the collection of events between the 16th and 17th centuries.✔️
➡️It begins with the Holy elected emperor of the Roman Empire, Fredrick the III.✔️
➡️The Habsburgs, of Austrian descent, was the dominant ruling family at the time; the most significant rulers are noted as Charles I and Phillip II.✔️
Soviets put a brutal end to Hungarian revolution. A spontaneous national uprising that began 12 days before in Hungary is viciously crushed by Soviet tanks and troops on November 4, 1956. Thousands were killed and wounded and nearly a quarter-million Hungarians fled the country.
The Missouri Compromise was the laws that enacted in 1820 to maintain the balance of power between slave and free states. Henry Clay wanted Missouri (state) to be a free or a slave state but the Southerns claimed that the Constitution did not give the Congress the power to ban slavery. THey would worry that if free states formed a majority in Congress, they would ban slavery altogether. Meanwhile, Maine wanted to be part of the statehood, so Henry Clay suggested that Missouri could be a slave state and Maine as a free state but the Congress passes the Missouri Compromise so Maine became a free state and Missouri as a slave state (I think?). Among these tensions, the Mason Dixon line formed the Maryland and PA border. The line came to be used for the division between the slave states and free states, as well as the division between the north and south.(I hoped I answered your question!!)