Stan's behavior demonstrates time inconsistency.
In Economics, time inconsistency is the change that occurs in a person's preferences over time. That change leads the person to reach a different evaluation when it comes to the costs and the benefits of a decision. In Stan's case, he seems to be prioritizing his time. He even complains that he never has enough time to finish all his homework. We can assume, from his complaint, that he wishes he had the time. Yet, at this very moment, he has chosen to watch three movies instead of doing his assignments. His current decision is inconsistent with what seems to be his preference. Clearly, he believes the benefits of watching the movies to be higher than the costs of not doing his homework. At this moment, therefore, there is an inconsistency between his preferences.
Answer:After his health improved, he returned to Marietta in 1892 and founded the Marietta Chair and Table Co. along the railroad tracks on Church Street. At Marietta Chair he built chairs, tables and cradles but no rockers. Jim Brumby was a highly innovative and skilled craftsman who was considered a genius with tools.
Hope this helps!! Brainlist?
It would be about one third of your gross income
Los autores de “Constructores de Otredad” explican que, así como la Antropología, al igual que toda ciencia, es una construcción, su definición de la “otredad cultural” es un modelo de la otredad que surge como objeto de estudio sin fundamento en un hecho empírico real, sino un constructo determinado por el contexto científico e histórico.
El evolucionismo construyó su objeto de estudio asumiendo que existe una diferenciación real entre el “otro” (como las culturas consideradas primitivas) y el “nosotros”.
Esta visión etnocentrista de la diversidad cultural fue el fundamento de atrociades tales como la conquista de América por parte de los colonos europeos que diezmaron e impusieron su propia cultura a los pueblos aborígenes americanos por considerarlos un “otro” inferior y primitivo.
psychologically healthier
It is believed that these individuals that integrate the "masculine" and "feminine" sides of their personalities tend to be psychologically healthier. Psychologists believe that this is due to those individuals being able to adapt and cope with a much greater ease with regards to aging than most of the population, thus leading them to not only by psychologically healthier but happier as well.