Laughing,one long haired girl swished her hair and stood to read her poem, "Ode to Hair".
If you are referring to the two names that Philiphines already had, these names were Las islas Filipinas and Pearl of the Orient Seas.
The Philippines has been a Spanish republic for years and was named after King Philip II, however, many other names have been adopted over successive years. This custom of naming the colonies and changing these names periodically was common in Portuguese and Spanish colonies, and the colonies were named in honor of someone, due to religious events, or some characteristic of the place.
Answer and Explanation:
Granny Weatherall is a character in the short story "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall". She is an eighty-year-old woman who is about to die. Granny's disorganized thoughts are mostly memories of everything she has gone through in life, especially being abandoned by the first man she ever loved.
<u>Granny's name is Weatherall, which carries plenty of meaning. To weather something means to go through it and survive. The verb "to weather" is usually employed in connection with difficult times. Granny has indeed weathered it all. She raised her children on her own, after her husband passed way. She went through diseases, heartbreaks, hardships, and humiliation. But Granny's endurance, along with other qualities, helped her through. She is proud, strong-willed, determined, tenacious. Giving up is not an option for Granny.</u>