America is named after Amerigo Vespucci.
It is named after this man because he was the explorer who set forth the revolutionary concepts that the lands that Christopher Columbus in 1492 were part of a separate continent.
George Washington is the first president of the United States. Then he elected unanimously by the electoral college after leading the continental army from the Revolutionary War.
The archduke was assassinated in the city of Sarajevo
Answer: He Didn't Try And End Slavery...
Explanation: Wut a meanie... XD. Anyway, Jefferson owned some slaves & he didn’t try to bring slavery to an end. It was with his words in the Declaration of Independence, about all men being equal THAT SHOULD INCLUDE BLACK LIVES. Black Lives Matter!
In order to become a civil servant, people had to take tests. The better they did on the tests, the higher position they could get in the civil service. The examinations were very difficult. Many people would study at the imperial university or under tutors for years in order to pass the tests.
Because that's how it happened in the good old days