In their study on self-affirmation creswell, welch, taylor, sherman, gruenwald, and mann found that people who confirmed themselves by thinking about their most significant values were better able to cope with the stress generated by a challenging task. In addition, the use of the case study method may lead to unexpected findings that are the source of new and stimulating testable hypotheses and operational descriptions of concepts are important because they provide an objective and reliable basis for communication between scientists.
He declared Christianity to be the only legal religion.
Company Owned/Business Only (COBO)
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the deployment model that is being described is called COBO or Company Owned/Business Only. This is a business model that largely surfaced when mobile devices started taking off. This business model supplies workers with company owned devices and restricts the hardware for business use only.
A hypothesis or model is called falsifiable if it is possible to conceive of an experimental observation that disproves the idea in question. That is, one of the possible outcomes of the designed experiment must be an answer, that if obtained, would disprove the hypothesis.