If they up sell by 27% you would need to take the original price of $325 and find 27% of that. To do this, multiply 325x.27 (.27 is 27% converted to a decimal) which is = to 87.75 you then need to add $87.75 to $325 which will get you $412.75.
Education plays virtual role in the society where. It is more than just learning from books and more than just a score. First, it teaches children how to reason out about things, how to give expression and ideas about specific situations and issue. Then we children taught how reason well, they help control their perception towards ignorance. Finally, giving less importance to education would result to a society that would become ignorant which leads under the power of smarter country.
The reason why I believe that the author Maya Angelou included this passage is because she wanted to explain to us her emotions about the connection she had.