Metamorphic rocks are those which have been changed from one form to another by the high pressure and temperature environment of the Earth. "Metamorphism" means the process of changing form.
Phyllite is a type of foliated metamorphic rock.
Slate is a, fine-grained, clayey metamorphic rock.
Shale is a parent rock to slate and phyllite.
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The correct answer is option - A, B, C, and D.
The adaptive immune system is also known as a specific immune system or acquired immune system is an immunization system that is made up of which is clonal as it expands rapidly the Lymphocytes that are T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. The adaptive immune system also has memory this is the reason vaccination is used so it can generate antibodies and make memory cells. Vaccines induce the production of the immune cells or antibodies so it can be stated that it is inducible.
Thus, the correct answer is option - A, B, C, and D.
Population is generalized to all individuals.
The given statement is true.
Some of the health science sites may restrict employees from wearing perfumes or other fragrances because the chemicals in the fragrances can stimulate reactions ranging from headaches to palpitations of heart in some of the individuals who are sensitive to them, making it tough for them to work efficiently.
With time, the individuals getting exposed to the chemicals present in the fragrances become more sensitized to them to the point that they can no longer tolerate any more exposure. This can initiate breathing issues, nausea, sneezing, disorientation, and in extreme situations, they can even go into shock.