I’m not sure why everyone was scared of labor unions but I know I would be because. They are strike and many of them might have families to feed. They might lose there house. Starve. All for a decent wage, is really worth being on strike to starve?
ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty.
AIDS Policy Center for Children, Youth, and Families.
Affordable Housing Industry Information.
American Association of People with Disabilities.
American Association of Retired Persons.
American Consulting Engineers Council.
American Economic Development Council.
ENGLISH:As a result, for the most part, the English colonies in North America were business ventures. They provided an outlet for England's surplus population and (in some cases) more religious freedom than England did, but their primary purpose was to make money for their sponsors.
Como resultado, en su mayor parte, las colonias inglesas en América del Norte eran empresas comerciales. Proporcionaron una salida para el excedente de población de Inglaterra y (en algunos casos) más libertad religiosa que Inglaterra, pero su propósito principal era hacer dinero para sus patrocinadores.
England that is the answer