The u.s began sending troops to Afghanistan in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers, and in 2011 the u.s. found Osama bin Laden and killed him. The answer is 2001 tho
Short grasses that grow naturally on steppes provide grazing for cattle, goats, horses, camels, and sheep. Sometimes steppes are overgrazed, which occurs when there are more animals than the land can support. When the short grasses of the steppe are plowed under for agriculture, the soil can erode very quickly.
Human made object, mostly a item of culture or historic interest
The term that Mark Twain coined as an era characteriezed by a facade of prosperity was gilded age. "Gilded Age" was a title of a book that he co-wrote with Charles Warner. The book is about poor people trying to get rich and their relentless pursuit of wealth. Gilded gold was a term that meant that gold was placed on top of gold over and over, as in a bar of gold.