Glue Language
I'm not 100% sure, but here is the definition.
Glue language- A programming language that can be used to provide interoperability between systems not originally intended to work together
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string in;//string in for taking input...
cout<<"Do you want to continue ?"<<endl;
getline(cin,in);//taking input from the user...
if(in=="y"||in=="Y"||in=="yes"||in=="OK"||in=="Why not?")//conditions..
else if(in=="No")
cout<<"Bad input"<<endl;
return 0;
I have taken a string in.
Then taking input from user.
Checking the conditions using if else if ladder.
Yeah sure, mines aatelophxbia, i'm 14. what games you play?
Internal and External Zones
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in a network means that, we make sure the security of network at higher level as military make sure the security of their bases or zones.
In this type of network, The network of the internal organization (LAN) needs security from hackers and unauthorized users who are trying to access the resources and information from the network.
This network is divided into two major zones. A DMZ has been placed between two zones along with firewalls enhance the security of LAN Network from the networks on internet. These two zones are named as Internal and External Zone. The firewall between DMZ and External zones monitors the users from external networks on the internet who tries to access organization's network. Internal network monitors the traffic between DMZ and Internal LAN network.
Disk space is a limited resource on the spooling partition and once it is filled the will cause a deadlock. Every single block that comes into the spooling partition claims a resource, and the one behind that wants resources as well, and so on. Since the spooling space is limited and half of the jobs arrive and fill up space then no more blocks can be stored, causing a deadlock. This can be prevented allowing one job to finish and releasing the space for the next job.