Meningocele (MM) is known as meningeal cyst and it is the protrusion
of the membrane that cover the part of spinal cord through the defect in the
vertebral column. Thus, Meningocele (MM) is the least
common fom of spinal bifida and spina bifida is the bony defect in the
vertebral column through the meningeal membrane.
B. Because of Farm laws that require no seeds to be kept from a harvest, or you are not allowed to have plants of a different genetic make or made by a different company in your field if you didn't buy it, you could have wind carry seeds into opposing fields, and if inspected, you would potentially have to pay a fine for having unauthorized varieties growing in your field. And trying to remove it would be a pain, because you would either have to find a killer that your plants are resistant to, or to find these individually and pluck them, or to spray a killer that would kill all of your plants, but none of these resistant varieties
There are four classes of macromolecules (polysaccharides or carbohydrates, triglycerides or lipids, polypeptides or proteins, and nucleic acids such as DNA & RNA). Carbohydrates and lipids are made of only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (CHO). Proteins are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (CHON).
Correct answer is :It has two elements
A binary compound is a compound that is made up of two of the elements in the periodic table. Some examples of binary compounds are and . This means that a binary compound can have more than 2 atoms as in the case of hydrogen oxide. Some binary compounds are ionic as in the case of sodium chloride.This shows that they do not necessarily have to have covalent bonds. This also rules out the possibility that they may always have double bonds as ionic compounds are bound together by ionic bonds. The only thing that will always be true of binary compounds is that they will always have 2 elements.