Movements to reform prisons and mental hospitals.
The Church; during the Medieval era, the Catholic Church taught that art was expected to be used specifically to honor God. Medieval artists did not take credit for their work because they were supposed to be like gifts to God. However, with the rise of humanism, Renaissance artists began focusing on other, secular aspects of life like the human body. This did not make the Church happy.
iBy July 16, the convention had already set the minimum age for senators at thirty and the term length at six years, as opposed to twenty-five for House members, with two-year terms. James Madison explained that these distinctions, based on “the nature of the senatorial trust, which requires greater extent of information and stability of character,” would allow the Senate “to proceed with more coolness, with more system, and with more wisdom than the popular
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Their empire was based on military conquest and collecting tribute from conquered people so they had the supplies needed to expand quickly.