A. Revenue is the total amount producers receive after selling a good. Profit is the total amount producers earn after subtracting the production costs.
Revenue alludes to the measure of cash your business is accepting as installments from your clients previously any expenses or costs are deducted. It is appeared at the best thing of the pay explanation from which all charges, costs, costs are deducted to get the benefit of the association. Profit is the surplus staying after all out expenses are deducted from absolute income.
Prior to 1913, when the 17th Amendment was ratified, state legislatures elected two U.S. senators to represent them in Congress. Members in each state House and each state Senate, in most cases, would meet separately to pick a candidate as its representative in the U.S. Senate.
Examine una fuente: léala atenta y críticamente. Organice sus pensamientos: descubra la afirmación y la evidencia principales, investigue los recursos secundarios. Enuncie una tesis: asegúrese de que tenga tanto una afirmación como los detalles que la sustentan. Escribe un esquema. Escribe un borrador de tu ensayo crítico. Edita y mejora tu ensayo.
Answer: Fracking
Explanation: Shale gas is extracted using the process of fracking