The space, a wonderus journy of intense absolute magnitude, through light-years of beauty though they can never be seen by all but me through the lense of a redshifting universe. What wonders await what riches to be held? May we see the parallax or the apparent magnitude? All of this matter dirifting into a wonderful unfathomable string of nebulae, what next? What conquest awaits?
Sorry if I there's some incorrect grammar here or there, I did my best. I hope this gets you a good grade!
It has to be the first one, you need to remember, a setting is like a time or place a story takes place.
The Correct answer is: A,D for ED2020. You're welcome.
press thanks and vote , if it helped you out well .
I'm not sure if this is right, but I'd say he'd need some sort of periscope. (Look at image attached above for labeled diagram⤴⤴⤴).
Hope this helps :)