This is a very philosophical question, so it requires your own opinions and reasoning. I will help as much as I can for you to develop your thoughts, but I cannot write them for you.
One of the most important things for you to reference in question two is the natural state of man. How was it like? Are we peaceful and individualistic, as John Locke states in <em>Two Treatise of Government</em>, or are humans selfish and natural life would be "nasty, brutish, and short" as Nicolo Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes state in <em>The Prince </em>and <em>The Leviathan </em>(respective titles)? Why is this so?
These philosophers also give a reason as to why government is necessary for humankind. For Locke, it is to protect the people from larger threats. For Hobbes, it is to make man civilized. For Machiavelli, it is for a leader to align their self-interest with those of the people and make a prosperous community.
If you need any more help, ask me! I hope this helps :)
They would need to schedule an appointment for the the kidney and heart doctors because of his body function. But it could be because his parents isn't there.
give the map too how can we help like that?
Answer is an agency by estoppel.
Refer below.
Roberta introduces Steve to her friends as "my associate." Steve purports to act as Roberta's agent in several business transactions with those friends. If Roberta is liable for Steve's actions, it will be because their relationship is:
An agency by estoppel.
The correct answer is A. Conscientiousness.
Conscientiousness is one of the 5 personality traits classified in the Big Five personality traits, it can be described as the personality trait of being diligent, careful, organized and reliable.
People that are high on conscientiousness are perceived as more responsible, reliable and ethical than those who score low on conscientiousness.
Conscientious people tend to be efficient and also tend to achieve professional success.
In conclusion, the tendency to be reliable and ethical is closely associated with the Conscientiousness trait of the Big Five Personality traits.