The oral culture of early childhood, bipolar opposites in play, and wonder, magic and joy are key components of Egan's writing about play.
Professor Kieran Egan from Simon Fraser University introduced a theory of 5 cognitive tools known as Somatic, Mythic, Romantic, and Philosophical and Ironic understandings that people develop throughout their lives. These belong to a constant program related to writing and investigation regarding acquiring knowledge, providing education, and curriculum.
when we are absorbed in our thoughts and concerns we can't
focus on what someone else is saying is preoccupation. It is a big hindrance to
listening. Prejudgment is the tendency to judge others or their ideas before
we've heard them
tornado, tsunami, lightning, power line down etc.
Yes it can, . .. technically, a nation-state can be defined as a political unit., since a nation-state has a group of people that gathered under a same government that has its own policy that the people has to follow in their day to day life.
hope this helps
The start of the Cold War and the subsequent Second Red Scare instilled fear and intimidation in American culture, to the point where individuals were afraid to question the assumption that the US was always on the right side of history. This is an form of manipulation which is why I believe American citizens were manipulated by the fear factor presented in Cold War media.